About DroneSOM

More precise, efficient, and environmentally friendly mineral exploration solutions for commercialization

What is DroneSOM?

DroneSOM is a project that aims to harness drones and machine learning to improve the current mineral exploration methods.

Why was it established?

To make the mineral exploration process more precise, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

In addition, DroneSOM  supports the response to the Climate Emergency declared by the EU Parliament in November 2019, by providing modern and environmentally friendly geophysical methods for exploration.

How will the project work in practice?

By combining scientific research with industry expertise, the consortium partners will develop, test, and launch into production a comprehensive set of tools and methodologies for commercial use.

The project consists of seven work packages (WP) which are led by the partners based on their expertise in advanced technologies for geophysical measurements and interpretation of data for mining applications.

Who are the project participants?

The project partners are Geological Survey of Finland GTK, RADAI Oy, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Beak Consultants GmbH.

DroneSOM is co-funded by EIT RawMaterials which is the world’s largest innovation community in the raw material sector. The organization aims at enabling sustainable competitiveness of the European minerals, metals, and materials sector.

Project's work packages

Project organization

Project timeline