The registration for the on-site participation of the workshop is now closed.
For the on-line participation you can register until 25.10.2023.
Note: The lottery is only for the on-site participants.
You can now register to the workshop about advances in drone-based mineral exploration including drone-based electromagnetic and gravity measurements, demonstration of drone survey system equipment and mineral predictive mapping using artificial intelligence:
Mineral Xploration Beyond 2025 – Advances in drone-based mineral explorarion
Link for the registration:
For the on-site participants of the workshop there is an unique opportunity for one participant to win 500 line kilometers of magnetic survey free of charge*.
Participation in the workshop is free of charge. Lunch and snacks will be provided by the organizers. Workshop will be held 30.10.2023 in Levi, Finland and it will be one day before 14th Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining conference: Home – FEM (
The workshop is organized by the DroneSOM – EIT RM Project
Project Partners: Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK), Radai Oy, DTU – Technical University of Denmark Space, Beak Consultants GmbH. Project Co-Funding: EIT RawMaterials
*Note regarding the lottery: The winner wins 500 line-km free of charge for the first 1000 + km magnetic survey ordered from Radai. Surveyed areas have to be located in Finland, Sweden, or Norway. The order should be placed within 2023 – 2024. The prize cannot be sold to 3rd parties.

During the workshop you can meet the developers: Have the chance to influence/be involved in the development of technologies that will change the way mineral exploration is done. During the workshop, the participants will learn about DroneSOM technologies and will interact with the developers.
The aim of the Open discussion is to allow interaction and feedback between technology developers and potential users. We want to learn about users’ needs, expectations and how they will use the technology. Based on the Open Discussion outcomes, DroneSOM technologies will be further improved/adapted to users/customer’s needs.