DTU’s summer course was held in June. The two-week course included lectures and a field excursion that demonstrated gravity/GNSS measurements in Mons Klint. The course included morning lectures and afternoon exercises, offering both theoretical and practical knowledge. The course covered the following topics:
- Basic geodesy reference systems, gravity field, spherical harmonics/earth gravity models
- Gravimetry: surface, marine, and airborne
- Global mass changes from satellites (GRACE, GRACE-FO)
- GNSS kinematic positioning for aircraft and ship gravimetry
- Inertial navigation and gravimetry
- Satellite altimetry for gravity and sea level
- Least squares adjustment methods and inversion methods
- Gravity field modeling by Fourier methods
- Terrain effects in gravity field modeling
- Geoid, vertical datum, and height systems – international cases
- Novel sensors for gravity measurements – quantum gravimetry
The course is running every year and more details about the course can be found here: 30564 Summer School in Gravity Field Science (Physical Geodesy and Earth Observation) (dtu.dk)
Pictures are from the field excursion in Mons Klint, Denmark.