DTU is organizing a three-week course on drone-based gravity and magnetic surveying from June 6th to June 26th, 2024. This 5 ECTS course is part of the master’s program on Earth and Space Physics and Engineering at DTU Space. For more information see: https://kurser.dtu.dk/course/30710

For information on how to enroll as an external student see: https://www.dtu.dk/english/education/incoming-students/guests

Below are some comments about the course from previous students:

The course gives a better understanding of how to collect and exploit magnetic and gravity data optimally.

I gained a broad knowledge and practical experience on how to plan a survey optimally from knowledge of geological features, terrain, weather, etc. Additionally, the course gives a good understanding of how various post-processing methods can be exploited to enhance information in magnetic data sets.

The course is closely related to methods used in the industry in terms of post-processing, planning and instrumentation.